15-18 April 2019
Lecture at the University of Iowa
24 - 27 September 2015
Exhibition “Photo and Poem” at Camera Japan Festival in Rotterdam.
12 January 2015
Winner of Asahi Haiku Prize 2014, selected by Oogushi
Basking in the sun between World War ll and lll It is a great honour for me to have won the Asahi Haiku Prize 2014. This will be my 4th Asahi Haiku and Tanka Prize (the last was in 2013). Asahi Newspaper has 8 million readers and receives 5000 to 6000 entries a week. That is 250,000 to 300,000 a year. Each week four haiku/tanka masters select ten of them for publication and one at the end of the year for the Asahi Haiku/Tanka Prize. This selection of haiku/tanka appears in a book every year. |
「大戦と大戦の間の日向ぼこ」 受賞の言葉 北欧の「日向ぼこ」はまるで儀式のよう。テラスで、南国のリゾートで、人は黙して陽を拝む。そこに忍び寄る大戦の影。この一句を平和の祈りとして。 |
21 September 2014
A lecture on 'synchronicity and tradition Japanese poetry' in Amsterdam.
Language: Japanese |
31 August 2014
'Het universum in 17 lettergrepen' (pag. 74-79) in the September edition of magazine 'Happinez' written by Anne Wesseling.
29 augustus 2014
www.fuyukotomita.com online
The Dutch magazine Happinez has published an article, called 'Het universum in 17 lettergrepen' (September 2014, Anne Wesseling). I was interviewed about Haiku, which inspired me to make a website about my work. My special thanks go to Wendy van Os-Thompson, Veronica Verbeek, Hendrik-Jan Houthoff for text editing. And many thanks to everybody who – with so much enthusiasm - helped me to make a selection of my poems for the website. |
06 Januari 2014
Winner of Haiku prize 2013 「オランダの光の中を秋がゆく」
In 2012 Japanese artist Ryoha Nishimatsu won the Grand Prix d'Art "Aile d'oré" Louvre Lens, with her work titled "Chanson de Fuyuko" 「ふゆこのうた」 西松陵波 2012年ロンドン画廊連盟、日本画部門グランプリ〝金獅子大賞受賞